4 Following

Genosha is for lovers

Mostly trashy romance

Currently reading

Lords of the Left-Hand Path: Forbidden Practices and Spiritual Heresies
Stephen E. Flowers
Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2)
Kresley Cole
The Derby Girl (Getting Physical, #2)
Tamara Morgan

Rise Above The Truth

Rise Above the Truth - Rebecca Thein This story is very sweet, well thought out, and you can tell how much the author CARES for her characters. If you want a beach read or just a feel good book, this works. My problem with it was that I think the author cared a little TOO much about her characters; not that nothing bad happens to make the story dynamic, but you can tell Thein will never let them down or let them come to too much harm. Besides that, I'll bet 10:1 Thein is a long time fan of soap operas because the dialog is so soap operay and contrived. It didn't bother me (as I am a life long DOOL fan) but it was so bad it make the boom sort of campy.